The Long awaited, over anticipated, under estimated, often imitated, never duplicated and under appreciated album is finally complete. This 13 track block buster can be summed up in 4 words, that's the reason why those 4 words were chosen as the title " Clash of the Titan". Yes Clash of the Titan, a soon to be house hold name. Dj Clashious Clay really put his best foot (" on the first take for each track because that's the way the Order66 gets it done ") forward on this album. Four Stars raves Loose Leaf Entertainment editor Organ Freeman - " I haven't stopped playing this record".
We here at The Stoned Show haven't been given a signed copy of the album therefore refuse to play in on our site, but were not heartless. See for yourself check the link below and see if this isnt the best one time take freestyle album you have ever set your dial to. Appearances be Sincere, Rae Trilogy, ReSurch, Home Team, Mal Moe, Straight Cash, M-Dot and E.M.S, The Breaks, Dj Night&Day and Dj Earl Nino . Please check out Dj Clashious Clay's "Clash of the Titan" online now.
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