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Thursday, March 31, 2011
Drive by comments....

Don't you love when people do those drive by comments. The kind when you talk about someone without talking about someone. For instance, " don't you hate it when people where shiny suits?". From a comment like that i would think someone were talking about P. Diddy, because it's widely known he is the shiny suit guy. The comment is a drive by comment that is talking shit about someone without having the guts or balls to say that persons name. Classless and purely self centered. I say, its all about you player. Do your thing and aimlessly keep it real. Don't let courage get in the way of being the man. Just do it.
Dj Clashious Clay is on the move

Milly's Tavern is a pub styled restaurant and microbrewery with 17 award winning beers on tap. We also have a fantastic sound system and cool area for dancing. We wanted to invite you to our promotion called "Flashback Fridays" on April 1, 2011 with our DJ, Clashious Clay. As a part of this event, anyone who shows up on our guest list between 8-9 pm will receive 20% off of their bill for the entire evening (including all food an...d drink! If you are there before 8 PM, you must close out your tab before taking advantage of this special for the rest of the evening). There will also be various other drink specials through out the evening. Anyone who would like to be put on the VIP LIST should either reply to this post, or shoot us an inbox message. All Facebook friends will be given an unlimited guest list. You can find the specifics about our promotion below and I hope to get a chance to see you!
Milly’s Tavern
8-9 PM: 60’S & 70’S MUSIC
9-10 PM: 70’S & 80’s MUSIC
10-11PM: 80's & 90's MUSIC
Alert!! Akrobatik fans

Created a URl for my artist page and put it on this one by accident. Now Im stuck with it. Defeates the whole purpose.. D'Oh!!! Well, either way if you haven't already please add www.facebook.com/AkrobatikMC to keep up with what I'm doin.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Alert!! Dj Caucajion

DjCaucajion good friend of The Stoned Show. Who doesn't like cage fighting. I can only think of one person, the guy who's getting beat down's mother. Now dig that. Friday April 1st 2011.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Dj Clashious Clay's New Residence..

Milly's Tavern in Manchester NH has given Clay the opportunity to do his thing every Friday for their Flash Back Friday's promotion. Good luck to Clashious with this gig. I know the wife and i will be there sporting our most fly throw back attire. Clay asked me to tell anyone reading this that they would be considered personal friends of him at the event and to be assured velvet ropes will undo at their request. That's VIP on Clay's good name in appreciation of your support. I hope to see you there.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
The Stoned Show stats are in......
Pageviews last month |
922 |
Pageviews all time history |
1,945 Thank you the true hip hop fans |
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Monday, March 21, 2011
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Great Show Last Night with Just Ice!!

All in all a dope performance. The crowd was singing all the words to Latoya and Going Way Back. Classic night. Night&Day got his tables signed by Just Ice. I will say this, Just Ice is a genuine guy, real cool and down to earth. I am glad to have had the privilege to be in the same room with all the performers last night. I was blessed at The Stone Church, with The Stoned Show.

Friday, March 18, 2011
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Monday, March 14, 2011
Alert!! Singapore Kane - Wrath Of Kane

Shout out to Singapore Kane. This track is dope or if I may quote a good friend of The Stoned Show Mal Moe, "Pure dopeness". What can be said about Singapore Kane's new record that hasn't been said about a telephone that's been separated from its counterpart consumed in flames. Off the hook and on fire! True hip hop believers, we all know that The Stoned Shows digs the unique sounds, and Singapore has a voice that you could pick out of world of M.C's. His flow is distinct and his rhymes are exact. I heard it first on Mal Moe's face book page. I don't think anyone would dispute Singapore is one of the first few names that come up when asked who is holding court for Bostons unique and diverse hip hop sound. Please do your self a favor and check out the Singapore Kane - Wrath of Kane record.
O. Freeman

your link's
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Clashious Clay Exclusive !!
First off, let me be clear. I love M-Dot and the entire EMS camp and in no way does what I am about to say reflect on them.
Fuck " The Bar Room at 5 Broad st in Boston Mass. If you are black or into hip hop or reggae music they don't want you there unless you are security or buying drinks and leaving. The venue is racist and you can quote me on that.
The night began with Dj Night&Day and myself going to the venue at 8 sharp to set up for the 9 o'clock show. The first words out of the club managers mouth was " you guys can't just come in at 8 or 8:30 to set up". To which I replied its 8 not 8:30 and why not, there's nobody here. No help from this guy just salt. That was Red Flag number 1. As the night progressed, I was doing my usual thing, spinning fresh hip hop music. About an hour and a half to 2 hours later I was approached by a woman who asked me if i had any top 40 music. To which i replied, I don't spin top 40, I spin hip hop. She said the owner isn't going to be happy with her if he comes in and there is no top 40 music playing. I replied, sorry to hear that but it isn't my problem. This conversation goes back and fourth for about 15 minutes. The club manager comes over and asks, whats the problem? She explains the situation to him. He turns to me and asks me whats my problem? No problem here, I don't spin top 40, that's all. She steps in and says I have music on my phone, plug it in to your computer and copy them. I told her no. To which the club manager asks me to step in the back so he can talk to me in private. He proceeds to explain that if I play hip hop music, it attracts a "certain crowd" and we are not a hip hop club. We don't want that type of "crowd" in here. We try and keep it out with dress codes. I replied, I am a hip hop Dj and there is a hip hop show here tonight, there are going to be hip hop fans expecting to hear hip hop music. He says the hip hop show doesn't start until 1am, and that he understands there will be hip hop fans here tonight but he would also like "white people and asian people in the club too, not just "hip hop people". At this point i am disgusted with this establishment. Excluding "white people and asian people", who are these "hip hop people" he is so carefully not mentioning the nationality of. Red flags number 2,3,4,5 and 6 at his point. I cut the conversation by saying, I will play some dance music just to get out of this racist back room. I get back to my tables to where i find this woman standing next to my computer with her phone and usb cable. I plug it in take her songs and copy them to my computer. Play the first track and its a ring tone. "Not that one" she say's. I play the next track, "that's a ring tone too" she say's. At that point i delete her folder from my computer. I told her I have dance music. About an hour later another woman comes over to my tables with an ipod. "Can you play ( insert shitty song here)? I said no. A bit later in the night i am getting complaints about there being no hip hop music by fans of M-Dot and EMS. Keeping in mind top 40, I proceed to play "touch it" by busta rhymes. The first woman comes back and asks me "did you run out of top 40 music? Brings her laptop this time and asks me to spin songs from her computer. To which I replied no, but you can. She asks me, "whats your problem?" I told her, I am playing this venue as a favor to my good friend M-Dot, I wasn't hired by the club or you or the racist club manager. If what i am playing is not welcome then neither am I. At that point i unplugged everything i brought to the club and told her the good thing about working for free is that you don't have to take shit from anyone.
If you are a hip hop person or someone who is fair minded, trust me on this. The Bar Room at 5 Broad st in Boston Mass does not want you there.
Later i apologized to Dot about leaving unceremoniously, to which he apologized to me about the bullshit circumstances. He told me when i had left the manager was post threatening my well being. Not to my face, when i was far away from the club. To my face he danced around the race topic like pro. He even shook my hand.
Fuck "The Bar Room".
Dj Clashious Clay
Fuck " The Bar Room at 5 Broad st in Boston Mass. If you are black or into hip hop or reggae music they don't want you there unless you are security or buying drinks and leaving. The venue is racist and you can quote me on that.
The night began with Dj Night&Day and myself going to the venue at 8 sharp to set up for the 9 o'clock show. The first words out of the club managers mouth was " you guys can't just come in at 8 or 8:30 to set up". To which I replied its 8 not 8:30 and why not, there's nobody here. No help from this guy just salt. That was Red Flag number 1. As the night progressed, I was doing my usual thing, spinning fresh hip hop music. About an hour and a half to 2 hours later I was approached by a woman who asked me if i had any top 40 music. To which i replied, I don't spin top 40, I spin hip hop. She said the owner isn't going to be happy with her if he comes in and there is no top 40 music playing. I replied, sorry to hear that but it isn't my problem. This conversation goes back and fourth for about 15 minutes. The club manager comes over and asks, whats the problem? She explains the situation to him. He turns to me and asks me whats my problem? No problem here, I don't spin top 40, that's all. She steps in and says I have music on my phone, plug it in to your computer and copy them. I told her no. To which the club manager asks me to step in the back so he can talk to me in private. He proceeds to explain that if I play hip hop music, it attracts a "certain crowd" and we are not a hip hop club. We don't want that type of "crowd" in here. We try and keep it out with dress codes. I replied, I am a hip hop Dj and there is a hip hop show here tonight, there are going to be hip hop fans expecting to hear hip hop music. He says the hip hop show doesn't start until 1am, and that he understands there will be hip hop fans here tonight but he would also like "white people and asian people in the club too, not just "hip hop people". At this point i am disgusted with this establishment. Excluding "white people and asian people", who are these "hip hop people" he is so carefully not mentioning the nationality of. Red flags number 2,3,4,5 and 6 at his point. I cut the conversation by saying, I will play some dance music just to get out of this racist back room. I get back to my tables to where i find this woman standing next to my computer with her phone and usb cable. I plug it in take her songs and copy them to my computer. Play the first track and its a ring tone. "Not that one" she say's. I play the next track, "that's a ring tone too" she say's. At that point i delete her folder from my computer. I told her I have dance music. About an hour later another woman comes over to my tables with an ipod. "Can you play ( insert shitty song here)? I said no. A bit later in the night i am getting complaints about there being no hip hop music by fans of M-Dot and EMS. Keeping in mind top 40, I proceed to play "touch it" by busta rhymes. The first woman comes back and asks me "did you run out of top 40 music? Brings her laptop this time and asks me to spin songs from her computer. To which I replied no, but you can. She asks me, "whats your problem?" I told her, I am playing this venue as a favor to my good friend M-Dot, I wasn't hired by the club or you or the racist club manager. If what i am playing is not welcome then neither am I. At that point i unplugged everything i brought to the club and told her the good thing about working for free is that you don't have to take shit from anyone.
If you are a hip hop person or someone who is fair minded, trust me on this. The Bar Room at 5 Broad st in Boston Mass does not want you there.
Later i apologized to Dot about leaving unceremoniously, to which he apologized to me about the bullshit circumstances. He told me when i had left the manager was post threatening my well being. Not to my face, when i was far away from the club. To my face he danced around the race topic like pro. He even shook my hand.
Fuck "The Bar Room".
Dj Clashious Clay
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
The Stoned Show Rating System and The codename: DEVASTATOR review

Folks as you I'm sure you are all aware of the album in question to be reviewed "codename: DEVASTATOR" by TOKYO CIGAR has been sent to To The Stoned Show for review by our good friends over at OneThreeMusic.com. It comes along by coincidence only The Stoned Show's new rating system.
The system is based on salt( also based on the first 8 tracks). 1-8 Rating 1 being the freshest album 8 being the worst. Simple as that. For future reference just send your best 8 tracks, or we will just rate the first 8. Without further a due, here we go.
"WARNING all rating are brutally honest"
I would like to state that being handed this link to peep this M.C. is the first i am hearing of him. I am not being paid to review this record.
Intro- I always love to listen to an intro that sounds like an intro. Introduce me to your world. Catch me off guard with it. who ever chose that movie clip, it was off the hook.
Dr Crisis- I like the flow homie. Voice sounds unique, good flow. Dope topical samples. You lost me in the verse a bit, but the beat was tight and the flow is on point.
ANTI CREATION featuring TEDDY FALEY- This track is tight, right off the jump. My first time hearing TEDDY FALEY. Nice flow , tight rhymes. If I'm being honest, the first part of the chorus did not move me but the second part did.
Ingredients- Not a fan of the beat. Tokyo has a versatile way of rhyme. The chorus is real tight and it has meaning, but the beat makes me want to hit next.
SKELETON BENT featuring CYCLOPS- Dope beat. Its definitely a classic. Nice drum work. First time hearing CYCLOPS. Not a bad M.C. but the verse didn't take me like when you hear a special guest, its to add to the context of the track. His verse was more of braggadocio cameo.
DIALOGUE OF FUNK featuring KEB0 & NANIGAN- Dope. Love the track, Tokyo kills it. I like the samples in the chorus. First time hearing KEB0 & NANIGAN. Not bad. I was not sure who rashed after Tokyo, but he was in my opinion the tighter of the two cats at the end. The last M.C. sounded like his vocals were mixed in another studio. All in all the track came together nicely.
BROKEN WINGS- Nice, fresh beat, a theme with flow and on topic. And I'm feeling it. This is a classic track. Nicely done, three verses to which the beat sounds like it was made to be together.
TENSION featuring CYCLOPS & NASTY NYNE- Nice track, nice bass line, goes perfect with the drums. First time hearing NASTY NYNE. Nice M.C., good delivery, good flow. The track as a whole was fresh. Tokyo, CYCLOPS & NASTY NYNE. Well done.

Sol T. Nutz
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
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