Folks as you I'm sure you are all aware of the album in question to be reviewed "codename: DEVASTATOR" by TOKYO CIGAR has been sent to To The Stoned Show for review by our good friends over at OneThreeMusic.com. It comes along by coincidence only The Stoned Show's new rating system.
The system is based on salt( also based on the first 8 tracks). 1-8 Rating 1 being the freshest album 8 being the worst. Simple as that. For future reference just send your best 8 tracks, or we will just rate the first 8. Without further a due, here we go.
"WARNING all rating are brutally honest"
I would like to state that being handed this link to peep this M.C. is the first i am hearing of him. I am not being paid to review this record.
Intro- I always love to listen to an intro that sounds like an intro. Introduce me to your world. Catch me off guard with it. who ever chose that movie clip, it was off the hook.
Dr Crisis- I like the flow homie. Voice sounds unique, good flow. Dope topical samples. You lost me in the verse a bit, but the beat was tight and the flow is on point.
ANTI CREATION featuring TEDDY FALEY- This track is tight, right off the jump. My first time hearing TEDDY FALEY. Nice flow , tight rhymes. If I'm being honest, the first part of the chorus did not move me but the second part did.
Ingredients- Not a fan of the beat. Tokyo has a versatile way of rhyme. The chorus is real tight and it has meaning, but the beat makes me want to hit next.
SKELETON BENT featuring CYCLOPS- Dope beat. Its definitely a classic. Nice drum work. First time hearing CYCLOPS. Not a bad M.C. but the verse didn't take me like when you hear a special guest, its to add to the context of the track. His verse was more of braggadocio cameo.
DIALOGUE OF FUNK featuring KEB0 & NANIGAN- Dope. Love the track, Tokyo kills it. I like the samples in the chorus. First time hearing KEB0 & NANIGAN. Not bad. I was not sure who rashed after Tokyo, but he was in my opinion the tighter of the two cats at the end. The last M.C. sounded like his vocals were mixed in another studio. All in all the track came together nicely.
BROKEN WINGS- Nice, fresh beat, a theme with flow and on topic. And I'm feeling it. This is a classic track. Nicely done, three verses to which the beat sounds like it was made to be together.
TENSION featuring CYCLOPS & NASTY NYNE- Nice track, nice bass line, goes perfect with the drums. First time hearing NASTY NYNE. Nice M.C., good delivery, good flow. The track as a whole was fresh. Tokyo, CYCLOPS & NASTY NYNE. Well done.

Sol T. Nutz
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