Shout out to Singapore Kane. This track is dope or if I may quote a good friend of The Stoned Show Mal Moe, " ". What can be said about Singapore Kane's new record that hasn't been said about a telephone that's been separated from its counterpart consumed in flames. Off the hook and on fire! True hip hop believers, we all know that The Stoned Shows digs the unique sounds, and Singapore has a voice that you could pick out of world of M.C's. His flow is distinct and his rhymes are exact. I heard it first on Mal Moe's face book page. I don't think anyone would dispute Singapore is one of the first few names that come up when asked who is holding court for Bostons unique and diverse hip hop sound. Please do your self a favor and check out the Singapore Kane - Wrath of Kane record.
O. Freeman

your link's
I cosign this joint. You can't go wrong with this. Real hip hop.